Your Health is
Our Priority
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The most advanced medical tests specializing in
every aspect of healthcare. We aim at achieving the highest level of excellence for testing coupled with a focus on customer service.
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday
9.00 AM - 5.00 PM
Saturday - Sunday
9.00 AM - 5.00 PM
Emergency Service
24 Hours
Welcome to Our HealthCare Testing Lab
We fully realize that quality and accurate diagnosis is a vital a part of a patient’s healthcare journey and so customer centricity is one altogether our utmost priority.
We are committed to follow good professional practice and provide quality, timely and patient friendly services with the sole aim of ensuring proper diagnosis with compassion, integrity, teamwork & honesty. They also provide on-demand sample home collection facility.
Services We Offer
Research-based | Structured | Electronic | Monitored | Evaluated
We advises routine HIV screening of adults, adolescents, and pregnant women for healthcare.The recommendations also call for reducing barriers to HIV testing.
Gastroenterology essentially addresses diseases of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts and liver.
These tests provide one detailed evaluation of the Cardio Vascular System as well as overall health. It is recommended who have heart disease or other risk factors such as Diabetes, Smoking, Stress, Obesity, etc.
Neurosurgery a branch of surgery involved with the neurological diseases such as brain injury or diseases, head injury, spinal injury, brain tumors etc.
Kidney Function Test
A KFT blood test, also known as Kidney Function Test, involved multiple tests that help determine the body's condition. Your doctor may recommend you for diagnosing the presence of any disease in your kidneys.
Orthopaedic diagnostic tests helps to identify the specific nature of your musculoskeletal injury or condition. Orthopaedists also use results of these tests to plan an appropriate course of treatment.
Why Choose Us
Outpatient Rehabilitation
Ophthalmology Clinic
Accurate Testing Clinic
Primary Health Care
Blood Treatment
Healthcare Solution
Best Health Checkup Lists
A thorough, full body checkup is an examination of the entire body that diagnoses and carefully evaluates the state of health of a healthy body. It facilitates a thorough assessment of all bodily systems and organs. It involves a number of tests that reveal details about a person’s current health. To ascertain the condition of each bodily organ, including the thyroid, teeth, eyes, bones, liver, kidneys, and more, it contains more than 60 tests.
Thyroid Test
Thyroid panel helps evaluate thyroid gland function and to help diagnose thyroid disorders. A thyroid panel is a group of tests that are done together to help analyse thyroid gland function and to help diagnose thyroid disorders. The tests in the thyroid panel help measure the amount of thyroid hormones in the blood.
- Home Collection Available
- Get Report Within 24 Hours
Urine Test
A routine urine examination is a regular test that the doctor may order for you. It helps diagnose certain diseases and is almost always ordered when you present yourself with a fever. Book Urine Routine Test with Boparai Diagnostic Centre at the comfort of your home, today!
- Home Collection Available
- Get Report Within 24 Hours
Sugar Test
Blood Sugar Test is a biochemistry test to measure spot Glucose levels in the blood stream. This test is advised by the doctors to measure the fasting glucose levels of the patient. Book Blood Sugar Test with Boparai Diagnostic Centre at the comfort of your home, today!
- Home Collection Available
- Get Report Within 24 Hours
Liver Function Test
LFT test enables you to get an in-depth analysis of your liver. It is done for diagnosing a variety of conditions, including screening for liver infections, monitoring the severity of a disease, etc. Boparai Diagnostic Centre offers a reasonable LFT test price for your liver test.
- Home Collection Available
- Get Report Within 24 Hours
CBC Test
A CBC test is called a complete blood count test looks at the quantities and characteristics of blood cells. The dimensions, quantity, and level of maturity of the various blood cells in a given amount of blood are all measured by a complete blood count (CBC) test.
- Home Collection Available
- Get Report Within 24 Hours
Kidney Function Test
A KFT blood test, also known as Kidney Function Test or Renal function test (RFT), involved multiple tests that help determine the body’s condition. Your doctor may recommend you a KFT blood test as a part of a routine check-up or for diagnosing the presence of any disease in your kidneys.
- Home Collection Available
- Get Report Within 24 Hours
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, you can test yourself for COVID-19 here. All safety protocols are being followed as per guidelines provided by the government.
Yes you can find it quite easy to find Boparai Diagnostic Centre as it is near Indian Bank.
Your insurance provider will be a better judge of that. Please confirm with your agent for clarification regarding this.
Your insurance provider will be a better judge of that. Please confirm with your agent for clarification regarding this.
There may be discounts announced for senior citizens from time to time. Please check for updates regarding these before booking your appointment or even with the receptionist once you arrive for your tests.
Our Specialties in Covid-19 Testing
A COVID 19 test helps successfully determine the causes and detecting the presence of the Coronavirus in the body. You can benefit from COVID 19 Test that is helpful in finding the primary source of the cause affecting your health.COVID 19, commonly known as the Coronavirus, weakens the immune system and often causes respiratory issues. Humans are at risk of getting affected by COVID 19 by simply coming in contact with an object contaminated by a COVID 19 affected person.
Identify infected patients
If a patient's travel, health and contact history indicates possible COVID-19 infection, we are counselling the patient to follow the guidelines issued by the WHO on 2019-nCOV and inform the designated government authorities.
Protective equipment
Our staff always ensures to wear personal protective equipment such as masks and gloves so that they are protected from getting infected while handling patients and thus, do not pass on the infection to others.
Well-trained staff
Our staff is well trained to handle the situation and time-to-time advisories have been issued on the dos and don'ts, such as how to prevent the spread of coronavirus, etc
Our Mission
Our mission is to bring healthcare of International standards within the reach of every individual. We are committed to the achievement and maintenance of excellence in education, research and healthcare for the benefit of humanity